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La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

Bubbly pleasures; the champagne bar

Categories : Hotel, published on : 7/9/18

This summer, the Bastide de Saint-Tropez continues to come up with ways to enhance the pleasure of your holiday experience. A great example of our commitment to your delight is the opening of our new champagne bar. Set amidst an oasis of greenery and flowers by the pool, it offers the ideal way to celebrate an exceptional occasion or the perfect way to end a beach day or a lively evening. Enjoy a perfect moment at any time of the day!


Moments of pure happiness at our champagne bar

When the pace of the summer is hectic, and the heat is intense, there is nothing more appealing and refreshing than a glass of champagne. At the Bastide de Saint-Tropez, the scene is idyllic; palm trees, laurels and bougainvilleas, inviting deckchairs and sunbeds, and sunlight sparkling on the surface of the pool. All that was missing was the whispering of the bubbles rising in a flute. That’s now taken care of with this year’s opening of the champagne bar.


Big name brands and surprising cocktails

Your hosts at the Bastide de Saint-Tropez have chosen to offer a wide selection of champagnes. You may prefer to open a vintage bottle of Dom Pérignon or Moët & Chandon with your loved one or friends, opt for a brut Bollinger, a Billecart Salmon or perhaps an unmissable Ruinart. You will also be captivated by the classic cocktails and creations of the Bastide, such as the exquisite cocktail that bears its name. The champagne is enhanced by Saint Germain, red fruits and refreshing notes of mint and cucumber ... Unusual, surprising, delicious. Of course, you’ll also find a wide selection of non-alcoholic cocktails made with fresh fruit.

To make your holidays in Saint-Tropez perfect, this summer the Bastide opens a champagne bar by the side of its swimming pool. Treat yourself to a glass, a cocktail or a bottle and surrender to the joys of bubbly relaxation in the heart of the French Riviera.

La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez