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La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

Enjoy the Indian Summer at La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

Categories : Hotel, published on : 9/5/24

As summer draws to a close, Saint-Tropez reveals another side of its charm: the Indian Summer. With mild temperatures and generous sunshine, this period is ideal for discovering the magic of this iconic village. At La Bastide de Saint-Tropez, enjoy this enchanting season in an intimate and refined setting, away from the summer crowds.

The Serenity of Indian Summer in Saint-Tropez

The Indian Summer in Saint-Tropez is a true invitation to serenity. The beaches, free from the summer hustle, offer a peaceful setting to recharge. The village streets, bathed in golden light, are perfect for long strolls, while the café terraces come alive gently. This is also the perfect time to explore local markets, where the flavors of Provence are in full bloom. The surrounding vineyards, with their vines tinted in reds and golds, invite you to tastings where time seems to stand still.

A Gentle and Refined Autumn at La Bastide de Saint-Tropez

When the Indian Summer wraps Saint-Tropez in its gentle light, La Bastide de Saint-Tropez becomes the perfect setting to fully savor this season. The gardens, bathed in autumn colors, offer a peaceful space for morning walks, while the afternoon invites you to relax by the heated pool. The tranquility of this period allows you to enjoy every corner of La Bastide, where every detail celebrates the Provençal art of living in a serene and warm atmosphere. Whether you choose to enjoy a glass of wine on the terrace or treat yourself to a moment of well-being at the Spa by Holidermie, each experience elevates this particular season, where time seems to flow more slowly, with elegance and ease.

The Indian Summer in Saint-Tropez offers a rare experience, where the tranquility of the late season reveals all the splendor of this legendary place. At La Bastide de Saint-Tropez, you will find the perfect balance between refinement and tranquility, allowing you to savor every moment in an exceptional setting. Let yourself be charmed by the softness of this season and leave with memories filled with serenity and elegance.



More information : Spa by Holidermie
Photo credit : Agence Webcom

Bastide de Saint-Tropez, a 5-star hotel in the heart of Saint-Tropez

La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez La Bastide de Saint-Tropez